From the recording Greetings From Milemarker 26

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I'm sorry for the heartache that I've caused you
I should've known I was headed down that path
Some times it's hard to recognize the trouble your in
When your feelin' single and seein' double

Nickels in the jukebox, booze on the brain
It starts out happiness and ends up in pain
Tears on the pillow, cracks in the heart
Once we were together but now we're apart

Feelin' single & seein' double
leads only into trouble
It all falls apart, world caved in
From four-flushing nights double dealin' in sin

I thought she was just bein' friendly
& I've never been one to turn away a friend
I never thought things would go quite that far...but they did
& I don't blame you for leavin' me now

Nickels in the jukebox, booze on the brain
It starts out happiness and ends up in pain
Tears on the pillow, cracks in the heart
Once we were together but now we're apart

I hope some day you'll look back fondly
I hope that you won't always curse my name
It's hard sometimes to over come temptation...and sin
It's been that way since the Garden of Eden

Nickels in the jukebox, booze on the brain
It starts out happiness and ends up in pain
Tears on the pillow, cracks in the heart
Once we were together but now we're apart